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Together we can create workplaces that are free from sexual harassment

An photograph of different adults who work in different professions
This is the harassment free workplace logo. It has the words harassment free workplace in it and a series of colourful symbols that represent a group of different people

Harassment Free Workplace is a membership scheme with an accreditation process. Our mission is to drive and celebrate good practice in the prevention of workplace sexual harassment

A project from 

Being a member is a way of demonstrating your commitment and showcasing your achievements when it comes to creating a workplace that is free from sexual harassment. We provide guidance, resources and support for your organisation as you plan and implement your harassment prevention strategy. Our resources are designed to help support your organisation as you work towards your next goal in our three-level membership process.

Our membership levels

Show your commitment to creating a harassment free workplace and get access to resources and events to help you achieve our accredited member status.

Our accredited members have successfully been awarded accredited status by our judging panel and can be confident that they are achieving current levels of good practice when it comes to preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. Accredited members have access to resources and events that will help them maintain their accredited status and keep pace with an ever-improving set of good practice standards.  

These are the organisations who are leading the way, either by going above and beyond current good practice in their internal programmes of work, or by engaging in efforts to prevent sexual harassment within their wider industry. Our Industry Leaders get access to resources and events to help them in their ambition to take this work to the next level and a step closer to harassment free industries.

This is a photograph of colleagues wearing hard hats talking and smiling

Our membership will open soon...
Register your interest

Our membership scheme will welcome the first cohort of members soon. If you'd like your organisation to be kept up to date about the launch of our membership please register your interest

These are the organisations who are creating harassment free spaces for their staff, customers and suppliers.
Founding members coming soon.png
Founding members coming soon.png
Founding members coming soon.png
Founding members coming soon.png
Founding members coming soon.png
Founding members coming soon.png


Zero Tolerance to work

This is a photograph of a woman wearing smart business clothing
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